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Looking for an alternative to Woocommerce Client Portal?

Are you tired of how clunky Woocommerce is for your customers to login and manage their orders or subscriptions. Looking to replace it with a modern alternative like Stripe Customer Portal? Well you’ve come to the right place. PriceWell’s customer portal gives you point and click interface of Woocommerce with the sleek modern capabilities of Stripe Customer Portal.

Using the Customer Portal your customer can see all their invoices for anything they’ve ever purchased. They can also update their credit card and billing/shipping address.

Using PriceWell you can automatically send your customers an email containing a unique link to their Customer Portal. Now there’s no remembering email addresses and password for Woocommerce. No management hassle for you, just a great experience for your customers.

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* Transaction Fee applies to new subscriptions started using a PriceWell Pricing Table. Customer Portal does NOT have any transaction fees. Stripe Transaction Fees apply on top of our fees.
What is MRR?

Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is what makes your SaaS tick. It's calculated by adding up the value of all your monthly subscriptions in Stripe (minus discounts of course). MRR increases when new customers sign up through your pricing page. MRR decreases when your customers cancel their subscription (churn).